Archives: Events

City of Sails Events Calendar

Check out the calendar below for new and exciting Rock 'n' Roll events. Lots of Rock 'n' Roll events will be posted up regularly so be sure to check the calendar often.

Navigation of the City of Sails Rock 'n' Roll Club calendar is simple. Use the grey navigation bar below to navigate events by date; click on the date to the far left below the “EVENTS IN” heading then clink on the desired date, or search for an event by typing in the search field below the “SEARCH” heading and clicking “FIND EVENTS”. There is also a choice of three calendar views, Month, List, Day, which are activated by clicking on “VIEW AS” to the far right and selecting the preferred calendar view.

Club Night – Wharf Road

Come along for a fun night of dancing. $2.00 per person and tea/coffee available Great variety of music, all welcome.

Club Night – Howick RSA

A great social night , dinner and dancing Restaurant open from 6pm and music commencing from 7.15pm For non members of RSA or Club then make yourself known and we can sign you in.

Club Night – Wharf Road

Come along for a fun night of dancing. $2.00 per person and tea/coffee available Great variety of music, all welcome.

Club Night – Wharf Road

Come along for a fun night of dancing. $2.00 per person and tea/coffee available Great variety of music, all welcome.

Club Night – Wharf Road

Come along for a fun night of dancing. $2.00 per person and tea/coffee available Great variety of music, all welcome.

Club Night – Wharf Road

Come along for a fun night of dancing. $2.00 per person and tea/coffee available Great variety of music, all welcome.


Fencible Lounge (Howick Library) UXBRIDGE 25 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand